Publications • Community
We Design Exhibition Conversation Cards
Bring home our award winning exhibition on diversity, equity, and inclusion in design.

We Design Exhibition Conversation Cards are meant to be used alone or with friends- this deck includes stories from creatives in a variety of design industries, along with statistics and topics of discussion around diversity and equity in design. We Design is an exhibition by CoDesign Collaborative that brings together creatives from different backgrounds to examine and celebrate the range of career paths and applications, and their impact in design.
How to Use this Deck
The We Design discussion deck can be used individually, in small groups, or with larger discussion forums. Within the deck, you’ll find stories from creatives in a variety of industries, along with statistics and topics of discussion around diversity and equity in design professions. Take the opportunity to use these cards as a reflective discussion tool, both individually and in the context of your organization.
What is We Design?
We Design: People. Practice. Progress. is an exhibition by CoDesign Collaborative that brings together creatives from different backgrounds to examine and celebrate the range of career paths and applications, and their impact in design. The exhibition features career stories showcasing how people have forged their unique paths into different creative professions, from graffiti artists and architects, to civic designers and research scientists. We Design emphasizes the need for more diversity in the design and innovation fields and highlights the importance of equity and inclusion in terms of generating ideas. Design is everywhere. So are we.