A Quick Look: Bespoke Bodies at University of Hartford
Take a peek at our current exhibition, Bespoke Bodies The Design & Craft of Prosthetics, at Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford

On View Aug 21 – OCT 10, 2021
Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT
Bespoke Bodies: The Design and Craft of Prosthetics is a 200-page publication featuring the past, present, and future of prosthetic design and impact.
By Subin Hyun
Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics, is currently on view at Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford through October 10, 2021. The exhibition surveys the past, present, and future of prosthetic design including passive, body-powered, electric, and biomechanical devices — along with advances in regeneration, transplant, and implant procedures. Take a peek at the exhibition via the photo gallery below, and join us at Prosthetic Design Stories, a virtual panel discussion on October 5.