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News • Environment • Boston, Portland
The Sustainability of an Evolving Skyline Recap
As our cities change and evolve it will become increasingly important to hold ourselves accountable to ensure the sustainability of our spaces not only after they have been built, but during the construction process as well.
News • Workplace • Boston, Portland
The At-Home Workplace Video & Recap
We are all adapting right now to our new normals. Whether you're working from home, homeschooling, or looking for something new, Tim's tips will help you stay on track.
UNITE, News • Workplace • Boston
The Business Behind Design Recap
After much anticipation, Wayfair welcomed the CoDesign Collaborative Boston community into their stunning offices for our seasonal UNITE, The Business Behind Design.
Workplace • Boston, Portland
The At-Home Workplace
Working from home requires a different set of skills than working in an office. How can we leverage the tools and tips of experts to maximize our at-home productivity, both for ourselves and our teams?
Mar 20 2020
News • Boston, Portland
Keeping our Community Informed During COVID-19
We will be updating this page as the course of the virus changes, and you can check back here for any further updates.
Design Museum Mornings, News • Community • Boston
Healthcare That Works Recap
In February, we welcomed Robin Glasco, co-founder and managing partner of Bambü Global Healthcare Advisors, to our Design Museum Mornings platform to discuss responsible and equitable healthcare.
Environment • Issue 014
Developing an Outdoor Voice
The Trustees, an organization that set the precedent for private land conservation in the U.S., rebranded with an expanded idea of how and why we engage with nature.
We Design, News • Community • Portland
We Design Opening Reception Recap
On February 13, 2020, we welcomed the public to the official opening of our first ever permanently on-view exhibition, We Design: People. Practice. Progress. at Clay Creative.
Environment • Boston, Portland
The Sustainability of an Evolving Skyline
As our cities change and evolve it will become increasingly important to hold ourselves accountable to ensure the sustainability of our spaces not only after they have been built, but during the construction process as well.
Mar 20 2020
Design Museum Mornings, News • Boston
Towards a Robotic Architecture Recap
On the first Design Museum Mornings of 2020, volunteers, members, and first-time attendees filed through the double doors of the Red Thread + Steelcase showroom to hear from Dr. Mahesh Daas.