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News • Education
PlayCubes Receive Good Design Award
PlayCubes, a modular playground featured in our Extraordinary Playscapes exhibition, receives a well deserved design award!
Community • Issue 012
It’s Time for Open Source Healthcare
Designers can and should shape the future of healthcare, from how products and systems work to the underlying infrastructure and standards these products and services are built upon.
Activity • Education
Custom Chair
Learners will consult with a client and create a prototype of a custom chair that fits their client’s needs.
Sketch Series: Draw Objects with Derek Cascio
You’re stuck at home, why not learn to draw from the experts?
Apr 24 2020
Remote Meeting Success Strategies
Webex. Skype. Zoom. Oh my. With COVID-19 and social distancing, we’re having a lot of virtual meetings — some are good and productive, some are bad and could have been replaced by an email; what’s the difference? Learn to design better remote meetings.
Apr 17 2020
CoDesign Collaborative LIVE
Design is everywhere, so are our events — accessible to everyone online via webinars and live streams. No matter where you are, join us for great design discussions.
Design Together
A collection of design activities, resources, and challenges for all ages (and classrooms!).
Activity • Education
Design Field Dice
Learners will create several concepts ideas using randomly selected categories. There are up to 216 combinations!