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Podcast • Community
From the Archive: Redesigning Care for Everyone
How can we design a better care system that relieves a family’s stress and gives patients the healthcare they need?
Bespoke Bodies, News • Community
A Quick Look: Bespoke Bodies at University of Hartford
Take a peek at our current exhibition, Bespoke Bodies The Design & Craft of Prosthetics, at Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford
Environment • Issue 020
The Giving Tree Can Only Take So Much (ONLINE EXCLUSIVE)
Exploring the Relationship Between Humans and Trees in Combating Climate Change
Podcast • Workplace
Enhancing the Museum Experience with Design
How does design evoke the museum experience?
Podcast • Environment
Redefining Single-Use Beauty Products
What does sustainable beauty product design look like from concept to product without harming the planet?
Education • Virtual
Sip and Sketch
Join us on October 14 for a virtual footwear sketching workshop for the whole family.
Oct 14 2021
Podcast • Workplace
A New Form of Design Firm for Startups
How can design firms center less on the “design for hire” model and more on building relationships with innovative young companies?
From the Archive: The Power of Story
Episode featuring Jon Campbell of EPAM Continuum and Debbie Millman of Design Matters
Workplace • Virtual
Disruptive Design: Work-Life Balance in a Hybrid Environment
This CoDesign Collaborative LIVE virtual event features a panel discussion on how to find work-life balance in this new reality of hybrid work environments.
Sep 17 2021